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The Naked Saints
Punk / Garage

Seattle, Washington
United States

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All Saint's Eve235
The Whiskey And Me240
You Can't Keep A Good Man Down241

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Band Bio

The Naked Saints were formed in 2009 and hail from Seattle, Washington.

The band's singer, Tom Sin, was also the frontman for the punk band Moral Suckling on the Profane Existence label. Moral Suckling broke up in 1992 and the following years saw Tom traveling as much as possible, living in Thailand for a number of years, and focusing on immediate musical experiences. Eventually the travel and necessary bouts of work led back to music.

Bandmates are Zed, who plays bass and is an ardent devotee of early ska and punk, Erico T. is on guitar and mandolin and likes traditional Irish jigs as well as those of a more chaotic vein, and Damian Voltaire plays Drums. Several guest Saints appear on most recordings as well.

The sound of The Naked Saints is a combination of the member's favorite styles and influences, ranging from the swagger and ruckus of The Pogues to the abrasive comedic lunacy of The Toy Dolls. They have been described as rock n' roll, post-punk, psycho-folk, pervert-punk, and many other less-than-appropriate terms. The Naked Saints say it's up to the listener to decide...

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