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Here are some of the bands that you will hear on the world famous MohawkRadio
McGunks The Banner Year B Movie Monsters On Switch Zombie Surf Camp JDKz The Loose Skreews Snag Mad State World Tom Mess Los Perex The Exits The Swipes Direct Hit One Legacy Excuse the Blood Revilers Projekt Green Robert Delirio The Disadvantaged R.P.M> The Kings Kids Tony Jones and the Cretin 3 Zombies Ate My Nation The Disadvantaged G.F.I. The Parodies PLASMA RAYGUN Bankrupt SCHARMUETZEL Subsistance The Swindells American Standard The Sore Batallion of 4 Hot Lips Messiah The Militants Hula Hoop The Vigialntes The Freeze Bull Lee Monday's Remedy 900 Pound Gorilla Proton Packs HCA Wormrigg Type 53 Reebosound The Serfs The Needles The Blameshifters B.U.M.P. The Long Johns Revenge Club Order OF the White Rose Plasturd The Marshmallow Dykes We the Undersigned Whos Up Next Bullet Treatment Killing California Two Bit Terribles Resistors Incorrigibles Pop Fosters Hideous Barbie The Higgins The Machines The Parodies Zero Motivation Fist of the North Star Mohoemmud the Profit uniSEF Mafafi PHC Fifty Million Frenchmen Batteries Not Included Hippiecritz Anti-Social Degenerates Aksi Rampage Dubtones Under Pressure Jimmy Flame and the Sexxy Boys Box Car Wino the Swindells Mutt Dead Beat Heros Aksi WEREDEVILSDARE The Not Likelys Close Conflict Cougars Kill Cobras The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels The Cellar Dwellers Better Never Dubtones (Ireland) The Dispicables Satantonio Adrenaphine Johnny Sefu and the Flesh Rockets BAtteries Not Included Down to Kill (DTK) Born Loco The LowClass Pantychrist Anti Social Degenerates Spider Friendz Fed Up The Jesse Minute Krater Box Car Wino Harms Way Simplex Not Ok The Sedations The Blame Teenage Rehab Wormrigg Tim Allen Goes to College Krater The Dead Beats Napalm Grenades Courtesy Murder Fist of the North Star Gas Genocide Revenge Club Better Never 47 the Gravetones A Pretty Mess Profanation Hot Lips Messiah PipeBomb Profanation Nancy Reagan Death Squad Inferno Grind n' Roll Mamaguroove Damien's Dayout Second to None VooDooGlowSkulls East Side Junk The Order of the White Rose A Human and His STDs Abrasive Wheels Acts of Sedition Antabus Arge Batitudes Buck Brothers Z-Bunt Warped Ideas Two Point Eight The Young Werewolves Hotwired Guns on the Roof Hill Billy Bugger Boys Hyperbole Jetsex Knife HIt Monster Patrol Oi Kontrol Oi Panty Christ Insert Coin Mongoose On Switch Las Ratas Mcrakins Poop UFX Isn't it ridiculous all the great bands that you will hear on Mohawk Radio? The Puppet Master Die Sister Die Creature Fifty Million Frenchmen Lucy's Drowning Vlad and the Impalers BLUNT 667 Autonomadic BOYS ON THE DOCK Charm City Saints DrunkTank Enemy Alliance Architects Entropy Final Solution Floater 6 Amak Antidrasi Anti-Hero Gino's Eyeball ALex MAchine A Happy Death Killing CALIFORNIA 7 Years Non Friendly Radio Midget Fan Club GFI Uberband Dirty Sanchez Amak Skychief Batallion of 4 MIke Puke The Wayward Boys Decay of Society In Liars We Trust The Crack Babies Rapaille Chachi on Acid Dead Hookers The Sick Boyz Hillbilly Bugger Boys Die Ignorant Lower The Schmucks The Fades Snot Nose Terrors The Rancors The Knob Rampage The Dissident Amak Ohman Frontside Five Reusable Tard The Victor Charlies The Newbies The Razorburns Dubtones The Murder Meal Combo The Flat Tires Griptape Sluts Pandaz Red Union Diatribe The Uglysticks Lyin Bitch and the Restraining Orders Pier 6 Brawlers The Gusto Halloween Comes Again (HCA) TheWorst Argus> Sharky 69 Rubberneck Skylab Hoax Offend Your Friends Knuppel Rupels Dedicated to Death Rochenders Verrot The Cheap Boozers Gina's a Dead Model Roachenders Ruberneck The Underdogs Nuthin Speshl Opposition Party Murder in Memphis The Objex Sub Alert Reno Divorce Brothel Dwellers The Gags Ghost Power!!! Tied For Last Incorrigibles Jupiter Crash The Haters Sunyata Speedfreaks Chix Pack Battle Flask BLind Truth F-Units The Over Attacks The Smut Projec The Vultures All Hell The Blairs Dirty Love Bad News Sniper on the Roof Flech Cadillac The Cheats Four Two Nothing The Beat-Ups Sonic Bomb Dead Pop Club The Venkmans 13 Step Group StupidFacientes The Avoids Fight For Pride The ZydePunks The Ratcats Bikini Hunters Fear Anger Rage Die Ignorant The Loose Skrews Subverve The Applicators Frank and the Skunk Allstars Tax Slave Pen 15 Splinter Second Class Bombardiers The Peacocks Pushrods The Insurgence Primary Assault Genital Fungus Blowfly Yule and the Thundercats Kamikaze Eye In Me Stoner Moms Super Blackmarket Zeerok Vladimirs Vatos Locos Red Cavalier Second Chance The Dirty Mits Bad Lieutenants The Heretix Nuclear Waste Riot Cox Wait Wednesday The Ava Raiders The Martyrs The Hated OCD Defective Detective The Dirty Works Back Alley Abortions Losers The 12 O'Clock Flashers The Phenoms Sanity's Edge Slush Machine Gun Vendetta Most Likely to Fail the Drapes Dago Red Abrasive Wheels Mugshot 76 Take em All SKunkfix Inner City Strife Pipe Bomb Landmines The Ripouts The Deviators the Unsung Heros Most Likely to Fail Sharp End Ten Pints of Anarchy No More Idols Back to Zero The Infested Scum De La Norvege Judo Rodriguez Rebel Girl The Deformities Last Hope Down Blackout Shoppers My Enemy The Nerves Jaded52 Wolfgang Bang Splatterblast The Black Hand Perfect Sin Switchblade 327 Fight Back Otenki Just Another Consumer Zebedee Hellen and the Kellers Radio Dead Ones Pure Spite Suspicioius Stains The Lucky Fucks Bastard Son of Charlie Brown The Beat Ups The Black Romeos Hi Fi Murder The Aftershocks Die Nakse Bananen Step Back The Phoenix Foundation Total Mess The Vamps Suburban Chaos Lagwagon Moral Decline Lagwagon Inrovabili Propagandhi The Black Romeos Inrovabili The Fight United The Fucking Buckaroos World War S.A.R.X. The Mingers Detox Against Me The Liberties Official Over The Sound from Japan! The Preps Malfunktion MOB 47 Peccadilloes Choas Control Official Brat Attack The Suicide Machines Gogol Bordello The Pariahs Hostage Life Closet Monster Subcity Vamp Skint Dead Letter Dept. The Peelers My Doll Face the Fax The Drapes Willie Psycho Common Voice The Defamed Rotten Youth Hindsight Bias Proton Packs Mike Puke The Yellow Paper Bags 69 Reasons Loiter Whores Los Oblivious The Vendetta Public Access The Infidels Nerdlinger Scientific Bong Lethal Device Dreipunkbande Texpert Kristyn Strange Brunt of It Against Me Maggot Wire Irate The Lager Louts Youth Brigade Youth Brigade Texpert Los Muertos de Cristo Stranded Alwaro Negro Les Destropouillaves Urban Waste Assassination the Transistors pothead Na Que Ver Social Reason Speaknine couldntcareless Bonrud Uncle Ubb Pig Champion The Yellow belts Valium Kiharat The Laybacks A / Political The Tube Disasters Twisted Angels Mighty Midgets Les Destropouillaves Okploide The Push Rods I Hate Kate The Others Ran The Slack-Jawed Yokels Degenerate Elite The Zero Point Zeroed Out Marx Revolution Broken Cuffs Tube Suckers Nice Mom Dioxin the Manifesto Drunken Skulls La Resistencia Phinius Gage Sedicion Black Boots Middle Class Trash Mankind is Obsolete The Adulescents UK UV Rays The Adversaries Rule 22 The Groodies The Rowdies The Frantix the Insolents Piss Self Destruckt Chemical Kaos Piss Harpoon Larsen Insane Fight the Vigilantes Dead Blonde Girlfriend Any Given Day Third Time Lucky Zero Brigade Non U Eddie and the Backfires Naked Aggression WELT Venom Antidote No Hoodlums the Nihilists The Nowboys Conflict Resolution 36 Grit Submerse The Reslapees Hillbilly Bugger Boys Mob Stereo Tapedeck The Violet Threats The Strads Appendix Nada Ni Nadie the Remote Junkies Capitol Attack Plan A Agent Apathy Suburban Riot the Supermen the Abortion Squad Broken Heroes The Baywatchers Hotrod Fury the Boonaraaas The Karkadens the Transfer Romantics The Upgrades The Patsy Walkers The Cave 4 The Demonics Los Creepers The Niggers 3 Against 1 Rabies The Zeros the Untamed The Numbskulls The Lust Killers The Wargasms Zero Brigade the Jack Offs Brain Dead Demonikats Suicide Stompbox The Adrenals Cyanide Kiss Back Alley Skanks The Tics Gonzlaes The Seminals Shotdown Still more sick bands you will hear on Mohawk Radio...... Under Class Society Demon City Wreckers The Salads The Mormons the Skeletones the Black Mollys The Furios Corrupted Society Havanha Brown AstroVamps Babies With Rabies Jusitce Team Secret Army The UTMoST The Dead Pets Ramonas the Scurvy Digital Vampyro the Renders Van Stone Anti Product The McFlys The Cheap$kate$ Points of Rebellion Maxitit CoinSlot Unique WELT Skunk All Stars The Needles The Vermin Jurys Out Bad Habits Surfaholics The Randies Darvoset The Greedies Texas Thieves Ballistics Chasing Aimee The Seminals the Greedie$ Darvoset The New Hotness Brutally Frank Sixer The Attraction Hello Lobster Gutwrench Twofingersalute Shaghai Valentine Tony Gorilla Kari Nations the Products Kari Nations Varukers A Happy Death Social Outcast Harms Way The Counted Otenki Atrocity Solution Haircuts Disorganized Crime Yard Sail Dead Tome The Coggs Statues D'Jelly Brains Autonomia The Contemptibles Nothing in Return Numm Ram Man Damage Case Land for Living The Generators Strait Jacket The Escaped Zaunpfahl SpiritHunter Uzi Diesel Chaos UK Coffee Overload THe Clown Molesters Eve White Eve Black Bullet Treatment Black Moon Ack Ack Last Energ! Coexist The Suspects Shit Loads of Fuvk All The Suspects Right Back Edge The Goners Tora Bora Whiskey Rebels Suburban Threat The Applicators Monster Squad Dead Vampires Autobiography Poop The Howlers The Silent Oppression The Skanksters Brigade I Know Kung Fu Bad Choice Maniacs Inc The Vibrators Kaos Urbano Lucifer Star Machine Mother Nature's Revenge Mutt Skate Fast and Die U.S. Chaos The Schemers Haervaerk Disorganized Crime Carol Munsch The Nana Squad The Dynamite 36 Grit The Scarred SHift Man Shift The Demoted Lyin' Bitch and the Restraining Orders Caustic Uproar The MohawkBlues Audiophoria Slartybartfast All For Nothing The Phenomenauts Guaranteed Katch Unseen Guns on the Roof Revenge Club Lyrica Run Run Run SPG Wasted Amerikan Holo Cost K.K. Weasel Johnny Mohawk and the Assassins So Called Enemy Clobbersaurus Nukular Waste The Unlovables The Sweethearts Scarecrow The Escalator Haters The Fight United Revenge Club The Goodwill Clobersaurus Nu-Clear The Grannies The Goodwill The Ecalator HAters Flat Broke Run Run Run Valdez McPherson Everyday Freak Jerra Lyrica Dreadnok Ripper The Imp Villains Bad Blood Bomshell Rocks Fifty Fifty Crabsody Propagandhi The Phlegmatics Every Day Freak Askaroza Realidad Subhumans Alleged Bricks Llanfair PG (from Russia!) Manda and the Marbles Endless Mike Jambox Maninblack FakeKnife Dirtskin The Heatseekers Disturbance UK Remnants Livid Kitten The Real McKenzies Whorehouse of Representatives Aces Over Kings The Adversaries The Checkers The Usual Hooligans Die Hunns Resist and Exist The Kidnappers The Groovie Ghoulies The Briggs Butane The Casualties Civet HIckey The Skulls The Dames The Tyrades Complete Control Ritalin Flogging Molly Suspect Device Go Betty Go The Shemps Bullet Treatment Resist and Exist Face Tomorrow The Brat Attack New York Rel-x Jeff Dahl Mistreaters The Marvels Holly Tree The Fine Lines Schemers Heading South Aceface The Flairs Bleed The Vice Dolls Gammits The Disasters The Fart Farmers The CropKnox Columbian Neckties The Schemers Amerikan Made Here Kitty Kitty Defiance Derita Sisters the Epoxies Ashtray The Revolvers Los Dry Heavers The Minds The Eye of Hate The Freeze The Dollyrots China White FM Knives 69 Charger Mad Parade Stupid Hero Teenage Harlets Grabass Charlestons DYF The Kidnappers DeadBeat Sinatra The Krays The Sleazies Picture Frame Seduction Muddy River Nightmare Band The Put Ons The Peawees Rejected Few RipTides The Screws Teenage Bottlerocket Snap-Her Columbian Neckties Taurus RiotGun 3 Against 1 The Vectors Stay at Home Bomb The Enablers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost all the bands are available in the mp3 section as well. - MohawkRadio Enter the Official Mohawk Radio Site
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