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UnKnOwN, 48 years old

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REEBOSOUND started in 2005 as a soloproject of Sven Missullis (THE PSYCHEDELIC AVENGERS, Ex-PAYOLA).

He recorded the albums "DEMOS" (2005/sold out) and the same titled ”REEBOSOUND” (2006) all by himself and released the same titled one on his webpage for free download.

Soon many of thrilled listeners downloaded the album and because of the great demand the album was re-released in july 2007 on vinyl and CD on TWO RECORDS/ BROKEN SILENCE.

Reebosound Live is:

Arne Borchert - bass; Toni Karnas - drums; Niklas Michael Pfeil - git; Sven Missullis - voc, git; ------------------

Interview BeSonic Artist // 12 Questions - Reebosound

The German rock outfit REEBOSOUND starts as a solo-project of Sven Missullis. On the first releases he played all the instruments and involved no other persons. In the meantime he formed a band to play live and we are happy that Sven found the time to answer our 12 Questions. Here we go...

1. Where are you from? How did you get your artist-/band-/project- name? I live in Hannover, Germany. The Urban says a REEBO is: "Someone who is totally lame, acting like a tard or is one of those people bullets are made for. see asshat; lamer; rob minervini; ryan culver; "Oh, my, god, Rob you are such a reebo." That is funny, but to be honest that was not the reason for the name REEBOSOUND. I`ve had MAX REBO, the Keyboarder and Bandleader of the MAX REBO BAND in mind. Most People might know him from the movie RETURN OF THE JEDI. I called Max while i recorded my album and asked him if he could do the synthie and piano parts, but he was much too busy. So i did them on my own. I just added one more E into Rebo, because i like it better, and i thought Reebo didn`t exist before. I wanted to create something special, not just a band name, i wanted to create a whole new kind of sound. The Reebo Sound.

2. How did you get involved into music? I always liked music and since childhood i was very interested in Musicians, Bands and everything about that. As i was a child, my father took out his guitar sometimes and played some BEATLES Songs and stuff like that. I looked up to him and dreamed about playing guitar like him. I started many years later, at the age of 16 to play guitar. Later i changed to the drums, then i got back to the guitar again and also started singing. On the REEBOSOUND album i used everything i`ve learned in the past years and did everything on my own. I played all instruments and did all Vocals. I wrote all the songs and produced them.

3. What are your influences (e.g. bands, styles, circumstances)? Your personal way of music? As a teenager i was mostly into punkrock & hardcore. I listened to DEAD KENNEDYS, D.I., 7 SECONDS, DINOSAUR JR., GORILLA BISCUITS, HÜSKER DÜ,.....Bands like that. By the way i just bought the latest OX Magazine and most of the bands are in this issue. Kind of strange to read about a BOLD or GORILLA BISCUITS show in New York a few months ago. Other influences are of course german bands like BLUMEN AM ARSCH DER HÖLLE. I like the MELVINS, DAVID BOWIE, early B-52`s and early NEUROSIS very much. I like electronic music or GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR, ELASTICA, SUNNO)) or the latest GORILLAZ album...

4. How would you describe your music? I think it`s sort of what people call indie. How would you describe it?

5. Which is your best way to write songs/music? How can you work most efficiently? The best way to write a song is not to think about writing a song. It`s maybe the only way i can write songs. Sometimes a melodie or a vocalline comes to my head out of nowhere. Sometimes it happens while i play with my guitar while watching T.V. or something. If it`s possible i record the idea immediatly and work on it later. If i don`t have the possibility to record the idea i hope not to forget it, and record it later. And if i forgot it, it couldn`t have been such a good idea. I belive a good idea comes back to you if you have lost it... Sometimes i don`t record an idea on purpose to see if i can remember it a few days later to find out if it`s worth to work on.

5. How long does it take you to create a song? - e.g. writing an recording? Depends on the song. Usually the arrangement is finished in a few minutes. Then it takes a little more time to write the lyrics. The vocalline is finished, but the right words are missing. Sometimes it takes a few weeks until i finish the lyrics. But somtimes the music and the vocals come together at the same time. I grab the guitar, start playing and singing, and after a few minutes the song is finished. That`s how songs like "Poor Old Sun" or "Old Friends From Planet Nine" came together, or "Give Up And Die" from the first CD for example. That "Give Up And Die"-version was intended just not to forget about the idea, but i recorded a whole song. I`ve realized that the next day as i listened to the song. It was played on a broken Framus Guitar fom `63 and recorded with one Microphone only. But i liked the style the song was played and the crappy sound and declared it as the final version, although it was nearly the first time i`ve played the whole song. There are some mistakes in it, but i found that authentic. That kind of songwriting is great, but also a little bit mysterious and it happens just a few times. By the way, i`ve recorded a Version of "Give Up And Die" for the same titled album. It was with drums and heavy guitar and bass. We played that version a few times on stage at the first shows and i liked it very much, but the studioversion didn`t work out. It sounded crappy and so it was the only outtake.

6. Are you also working together with other musicians as guest players or in collaboration? Yes, but not with REEBOSOUND at the moment. I worked with many great musicians on the PSYCHEDELIC AVENGERS albums f.e... But in a way Reebosound started as a collaboration and is still, because i wrote and record all the stuff & i need musicians the get the songs on stage. I played also solo shows, just with acoustic guitar, but that was more an experiment. Most of the songs work much better in the classic rock formation. For a few shows the TRASHLORDS supported me on stage. I`ve done a few gigs with some old friends like Timo (DRIVE BY SHOOTING), Tim (ROTOR), Patrick ( Ex-PAYOLA) and Jens (GODS OF BLITZ). They are all very great musicians and great people and i`m very glad that they helped me out. Without them the first Reebosound shows hadn`t been possible. As i recorded the same titled album i met Arne, who is now the Reebosound bassplayer, in the studio. He was working with his band NOETICS on a new album & he also worked as engineer and co-producer on the ENNY WITH COLOURS OF MOOD "Sound Scenario"-album, at the same time. From time to time Arne and i met for a cigarette break and talked about the recordings and what we are doing. He listened to REEBOSOUND for the first time during my recordings and he liked it. I told him that i need a band to play live and asked if he could imagine to play the bass in Reebosound. I was glad he accept. He also told me that he knows a good drummer, an old friend of him, Toni. We met for a session and the band was born. GREAT!

7. Which is your favorite location to play in Germany and where will you play next? There are many great locations to play, so many nice people and organziers which care about the bands. One of the first locations which comes to my mind is the "Dr.K" in Schwerin, i`ve been there a few times with different bands and projects and it was allways great! The "Alhambra" in Luckenwalde is also very cool. An old cinema and very nice. There are so many great locations... At next we will play two shows in Hannover. The first will be on May,17th. An event presented by TITUS Sports, with Skatevideos & Live Music, and we will appear on the SWAMP ROOM HAPPENING in May, 27th. On the 10th of May we`ll be on RADIO FLORA ( for an interview and maybe we`ll play one or two live songs in the studio. We will also do a small lottery and give away a very small amount of the albums, before the offical release. So if the people are interested they can try their luck and listen to the show.

8. Do you have a video to your music? Yes, there is a video for the song "Poor Old Sun". It can be found on my MySpace profile. I took the pictures one day in winter, last year. I borrowed a digital foto camera and recorded the scenes on the way from the Reebosound rehersal room to my home, after a jam session with ENNY (ENNY WITH COLOURS OF MOOD) and Arne, the Reebosound bassplayer. I cut the video the next day... i woke up much too early and still a bit drunk and used the Windows movie maker.

9. Do you have other profiles next to the one on BeSonic? Yes, there is a Reebosound webpage., and the MySpace profile.

10. Plans for the future? We are working on new songs. The next time i don`t want to record all the instruments on my own. I wrote a couple of songs and recorded demo versions. I selected 15 songs and gave a CD to Arne and Toni. It`s great to work with them. It`s a very good inspiration, and they have great ideas. But first of all the same titled album will be released on TWO RECORDS and will be distributed by BROKEN SILENCE. I guess at the end of June. The version will be a bit different and will be available on Vinyl and CD.

11. Anything you want to add at this point? Thank you very much for your interest in Reebosound and your support!


..> mk_BeSonic 05/17/2007 BeSonic Artist // 12 Questions - Reebosound

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Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 02:26

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
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3 Kisses
3 Kisses
Posted: Wednesday June 11, 2008 07:59

you're very welcome! thanks for commenting on our page. It sure makes us feel loved :) Take care and keep on rockin'