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Punk / Acid Jazz / Metal / Industrial

Bessemer, Alabama
United States

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Favorite Music: Seamonster ,Johnny Thunders,The Dictators, The Misfits, Iggy Pop, The Clash, The Plasmatics, The Patti Smith Group, Dee Dee Ramone, Ted Nugent, The MC5, The Senders, Electric Chairs, Black Market Baby,Judas Priest, Motorhead, The Buzzcocks, Sham 69, Charlie Parker, Eric Dolphy, Joe Williams, The Alice Cooper Group, Thin Lizzy, Pigmy Love Circus, Mike Watt, The Doors, Bob Dylan and Bingo Gazingo.
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Band Bio

The HoTTENToTs play a variety of musical styles including a heavy dose of the Traditional Anthemic ( New Jersey Style ) Punk Rock Music. The band also has it’s own unique use of techno influenced art rock along with Biker Metal and Rockabilly. " We play the fun stuff that rocks and makes you think". " Leave that crybaby crap to the EMO Loosers. The HoTTENToTS are the Musical arm of a Multimedia Artist named Vector. Vector is an artist who invents and constructs art objects in a Varity of mediums including paint, sculpture, collage, poetry and music. Vector operates under a unique philosophy and set of skills. He considers all of these media an opportunity for artistic expression and uses whatever skills and technologies available to express his potent sociological and political ideas. Vector’s philosophy is simple. One can construct a substantial work of art with the materials at hand (however primitive) as long as the concept is strong and true. The HoTTENToTs band evolved from Vector’s efforts to help a struggling techno/sampling group called " The Inly Contingent " in the early 90’s improve their sound. He explains: I had to quit rock and roll in the early 80’s after being too impoverished for too long. My health was failing. The Band I had in the early Punk Rock movement " LUBRICUNTS " despite being the best band in New York at the time, had been shunned by the record companies who were determined to stomp out Punk Rock. We were just a part of the incredible talent out there that they sought to destroy. They bought the entire cabaret circuit (the venues) where we made our livings and refused us bookings. In our place were mild mannered college student comprised bands (the now forgotten NEW WAVE). I could not believe that an industry could be so foolish and destructive. I met Kristen Taylor in an underground club called DC Space where he played an Inly tape for me and I was impressed with how well this music could relate the fear and desperation of his life at that point. So I decided to join them and renamed the group "Liechtenstein's Unbelievable Vulture" after the Artist and the fact that I was building collages out of stuff that I scavenged out of the trash in the embassy district of Washington D.C. The band was renamed several times and endured a tragic number of personnel changes and firings for irresponsible behavior. Vector, determined not to have come out of musical retirement in vain, pressed ahead to record the CD called "All the Thrills and Pageantry" with the assistance of a few local D.C. musicians in 1997 and headed to California to promote the Album and the Band. After several years of trials and tribulation, including the permanent institutionazation of "Maddog" with Multible Sclerosis the fight continues to bring the very best music in the world to the people.

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HoTTENToTS Caried Away Mug Other

HoTTENToTS Caried Away Mug
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HoTTENToTS Cowboy Tee T-Shirt

HoTTENToTS Cowboy Tee
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Youn And Beautiful Tee T-Shirt

Youn And Beautiful Tee
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