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Idle Threats
Rock / Rock / Punk / Rock

Medford, Oregon
United States

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Free From Your Spell622
Hellbound & Heartbroken475
Lets Get A Bad Thing Goin570

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Band Reviews
17 years ago Idle Threats- “Demo” Jonny Taint
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Band Bio

Idle Threats formed in early 2000, at the turn of the century. And it seems, you could almost say, have been doomed from the get go. From numerous break-ups, to numerous members (some not even knowing their instrument), from pawn shop to pawn shop, drunken fights to glorious shows, to all too many blacked out shows, from broken instruments to broken down, and possibly stolen, vans, this is a band that has still not given up, and probably never will. Hailing from Medford, Oregon, they have shared the stage with bands such as The Observers, The Midnight Creeps, The Shemps, Hudson Falcons, The Hollowbodys, Blueprint For Disaster, The Casualties, Larry & His Flask, Time Again, BOATS!, Jewdriver, Naked Aggression, DOA, RF7, and many, many others. After recording their latest demo, A Long Ride From Hell, last year, they, once again, parted ways. But now back and stronger than ever, are ready to dive head first into whatever may come their way. Kicking off this rekindled spirit, they will be embarking on a 20 day West Coast tour, starting in late August. So in a time when Greed, Power, Money, and all the other filth ruins this sick world, Idle Threats will be the band that is not here to impress, nor compromise, just to show the world what it seems to have forgotten this day and age, a good time. Because when mainstream music has lost all attitude and spirit of a time when it once was, Idle Threats have come to revive that spirit, leaving a trail of blood, sweat, tears, and alcohol in their path.


Upcoming Shows
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Band Merchandise
We are not ready to show you what we are selling....yet!
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Comment 1-7 of 7 Friends Comments
Posted: Monday March 09, 2009 01:30


Posted: Tuesday July 15, 2008 10:51

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Christopher Scum
Christopher Scum
Posted: Monday June 09, 2008 09:46

Hey, saw your review. Congratulations! you guys do rock and thanks for making friends with us, me.

Krista K
Krista K
Posted: Thursday May 29, 2008 05:26

of course I was right..Congrats again on the review guys!
Can't wait to see your banners up!

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Saturday May 10, 2008 09:23

Whats up Idle Threats!

You guys are a sick band! Krista K was right!

HEy, here some footage of the Basic Bowl event we co-sponsored.

The John played live!

Thanks for spreading the word about

Krista K
Krista K
Posted: Thursday May 01, 2008 09:09

My Boys! So happy to have you here....

mohawk radio doesn't know what it's in for...
these guys are fucking KILLER!

-Keep rockin'!