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Dip Dap
Pop Punk / Punk / Alternative / Garage

Glasgow, Other
United Kingdom

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We have at least one girl in the band.

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Cheap Ass Beer267

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Band Bio

It all started in May 2008, Jael and Budgie were bored with loads of spare time. Dead Beat Heros had a permanent practice booking but things weren’t going too well so Budgie and Jael decided to go to the practice instead and have a mess around, it was our first practise. June came around but we still hadn’t done anything since. Then July, our pal Boab from Burnout 27 let us record with him. Budgie and Jael went and recorded the first EP, 'Pfffffffft...' Within one day we got an offer to play a gig but we had no bassist. We played the gig anyway with help from Rhi from Kilmarnock. Time passed, we had a few practices here and there and then the occasional gig. We then recorded yet again, this time 5 new songs which formed the EP, "This guy can get away with murder". More time passed and we both felt things weren't working out with the bassist, so, in Feb 2009 we got in our mate Kipperman to play Bass forming the current (and hopefully final) lineup.

Right now we have been practicing constantly, writing new songs and trying to get tighter as a group (but not too tight of course). We have booked some upcoming gigs for April and onwards and hope to have a 12 or more track CD out by the end of May with a hand written zine. Keep checking for more news and new songs!

Upcoming Shows
We have no shows we want to list at this time.
Band Merchandise
Somthings Better Than Nothing Demo CD

Somthings Better Than Nothing Demo
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There are 14 friends in My Mosh Pit.
Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Omar (a.k.a. xomarx)
Omar (a.k.a. xomarx)
Fish and the CrawDaddys
Fish and the CrawDaddys
Le Bastard
Le Bastard
Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff
3 Kisses
3 Kisses
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Omar (a.k.a. xomarx)
Omar (a.k.a. xomarx)
Posted: Saturday April 03, 2010 02:54

Gotta admit, the first thing that got my attention was the Dip Dap Dive, not even Kurt Cobain ever did some shit like that, a bass player that can bodyslam another band member in the middle of a song? that's rising the bar (also, the sound the bass makes when it hits the floor, not even the best slap could get that sound). Musicwise, the male/female style reminds me a bit of Ashtray, tho, I really like Jen's voice, another plus is the free stuff, who doesn't like free music? a live album, demo AND fanzine (have you ever heard of pdf files instead of lots of images?) "Cheap Ass Beer" really worths a dl, and for that matter all the free stuff at your myspace, nice work.

Posted: Tuesday July 15, 2008 11:03

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Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Monday July 14, 2008 06:00

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!