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The Struggle

Antwerp, Other

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Everything seems to be black227

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Band Bio

We are The Struggle. And yes, we do our name justice. Since the release of our demo in February 2005 until November 2006, we’ve had to deal with surgery, personal issues within the band, job-related problems and a bunch of cancelled shows. Before The Struggle had become, well, a struggle, all was looking pretty good. Late 2006 we got together with the idea of recreating early 90’s hardcore à la Strife, mixed with some Judge, Sick of It All and more contemporary hardcore. A simple three-song tape later, we got booked to play shows with American bands like Paint it Black, Walls of Jericho, 100 Demons, Since By Man and Hand to Hand, as well as with European class acts like The Setup, Born From Pain, Malkovich, Liar and many more. Needless to say, all the issues that popped up, were a huge setback. But we refused to give up. And we’re glad we didn’t. In November of 2006 we picked up where we left off, more bitter, more pissed off and more raw than we ever sounded. Determined to re-establish ourselves, we went out and played shows, got our asses into the renowned CCR studio and put five new songs on tape. After playing more shows on a relatively short period than we ever had, and building up anticipation towards a possible release of the five songs, we decided to look for a label to put out the record. And since this is hardcore, and hardcore is a subculture where friendship is more important than being hip and cool, we agreed to releasing it through our friends of NO MORE RECORDS. It is slated for a late September release. So keep checking this page and/or that of No More regularly for updates. We still are who we were three years ago. We still aren’t another fashionable hardcore hype destined to fade away within a year or two. We still play no-bullshit hardcore, venting frustrations and personal issues through guitar chords, drum rolls and shouting. Don’t expect anything more, or anything less.

Stay pissed, Christophe, Yskout, Nasty, Backer

Upcoming Shows
We have no shows we want to list at this time.
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Posted: Wednesday August 06, 2008 04:10

Thanx for the support, hopefully we'll see you in Belgium sometime in the future