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From BAND: The Disadvantaged
Posted: Monday February 16, 2009 09:33
Hey dude, We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band, we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP. If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!

Downoload@ www.mp3.com.au/thedisadvantaged
Music should be free!! Cheers n beers, |
From BAND: Subsistance
Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 02:14
Hey, how are you doing? Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it. Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters! Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene. |
From BAND: The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
Posted: Wednesday December 10, 2008 06:52
Congratulations from Spain!
Posted: Friday November 21, 2008 11:10

From USER: F3ЯRï
Posted: Saturday November 01, 2008 11:54
Look at this! Demo "Rehearsals At The Gravity"
The new site promo O_o
long live rock&Roll!
F3rRi |
From BAND: The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
Posted: Sunday September 21, 2008 10:23
Now is available new remix of "Bathroom Girl" (demo versión, rehearsal at the gravity) If you want could download and hear, I hope that you like it.
Posted: Wednesday July 16, 2008 05:26

Posted: Wednesday July 09, 2008 06:38
Cheers! |
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