Rich White Males/The Cummies Split – “International Losers” - What can you say about The Rich White Males portion of this album, beyond the fact that it's brilliant? This three piece, straight outta motherfuckin' San Diego, CA is everything that the low-fi movement promised, but never delivered. The guitar work is powerful, the vocals can be stunning and the arrangements are tasty while managing to remain cutting. The Rich White Males just have a snotty punk sound that not many (if any) can compare too. Drinking, fighting, fucking, puking punk rock. Raw and nasty just like it was meant to be. Every time, I hear the Rich White Males I’m amazed how good they continue to get. This time around they really seem to have hit a homerun. There are two amazing songs, “Clean Up” & “Drop The Bomb” both of which are great punk anthems that stand out as instant hits.
The Cummies portion of the album is a little different from the brilliance of The Rich White Males. I reviewed The Cummies not to long ago and couldn’t figure out why, but I just wasn’t feeling a movement in my pants when I listened. After listening to “International Losers” over and over it hit me. Musically I really dig them, but vocally they really need to grow on me. Musically they’re an upbeat, mid tempo pop punk band, but the vocals just don’t flow to me & lose my interest quickly.