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Rich White Males "We ain't no musicians"
Rich White Males "We ain

Rich White Males "We ain't no musicians" - Brash, silly, snotty vocals with a "Gilman Street” attitude & feel. " Russ " the singer of Rich White Males has a one of a kind voice only comparable with the uniqueness of Jello Biafra.

Unlike the prior review I did of Rich White Males, this album doesn't have the Ramones meets Guttermouth feel. Rather "We ain't no musicians" focuses on their own unique sound, style and humor, which is a mix of every style of punk you can think of. These guys don't follow the directions on how to be a punk band. They just go out and blaze their own punk rock trail. All that and you can get their 7" in colored vinyl that comes with a CDR with extra unreleased tracks. - What are you waiting for? Go to and order that shit!

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This Month's Top Ten Most Downloaded Songs
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  Band Song DLs
1. step 10A Little Buddha12
2. FED UP!Drunken Violence12
3. Roberta SparrowDinosaurs Are Real12
4. Thee Fine LinesDomino12
5. AnxietiesNowhere Zone12
6. All Hell10 Territorial Murder11
7. Guilty FingersSnap/I'd Rather Be Sleeping (DRI covers)11
8. SuperraticSuperratic - No Show10
9. This WarThe Mason-Dixon Line10
10. Christopher Scum01 - Fifty Acres9
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