Rich White Males "We ain't no musicians" - Brash, silly, snotty vocals with a "Gilman Street” attitude & feel. " Russ " the singer of Rich White Males has a one of a kind voice only comparable with the uniqueness of Jello Biafra.
Unlike the prior review I did of Rich White Males, this album doesn't have the Ramones meets Guttermouth feel. Rather "We ain't no musicians" focuses on their own unique sound, style and humor, which is a mix of every style of punk you can think of. These guys don't follow the directions on how to be a punk band. They just go out and blaze their own punk rock trail. All that and you can get their 7" in colored vinyl that comes with a CDR with extra unreleased tracks. - What are you waiting for? Go to http://www.punknjunkrecords.com/ and order that shit!