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Gothabilly Steve
Gothabilly Steve

"it is best to be hated for ur self then to be liked for being something ur not"

Male, 42 years old
United States

Status Unknown

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Favorite Bands: MALEDICTION WEBSITE Goth/Synth-pop:Amphibous Assault, Nin, Bella MorteSwitchblade Symphony Strawberry Switchblade, Concrete Blonde,The Cruxshadows, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Rasputina,Killing Joke, Oingo Boingo,Gary Newman,Godhead, Keoki, Kraftwelt,Missing Persons Scarling, Jack Off Jill,Morrissey,Razed In Black Ol Skool Punk:The Smiths, Misfits (Danzig/Graves) The Clash, The Ramones, The Stiff Little Fingers, Social Destortion,Suicidal TendenciesLegal Weapon.Grave 45, The Cramps,Red Cross, Black Flag,Christain Death, Modern Warfare,Secret Hate, Conservatives, The Germs, Dead Kennedys, Rhino 39, Super Heroines, 100 Flowers,The Cure,Souxise and The Banshees,Sister Of Mercy,Mission U.k. The Dammed,Circle Jerks Rockabilly/ Psychobilly:Stray Cats, Johnny Cash, Elvis P The RockatsReverend Horton Heat, Carl Perkins, Gene Vincent, The Crickets, Roy Orbison, Billy Riley & His Little Green Men, Ray Smith, Joe Clay, Ritchie Valens, Robert Gordon, Horrorpops,Dangerville, Mad Sin, Deadbolt, Black Monday, Mr. Badwrench, Turbo 350, Phantom 409, Hellbilly Hellcats, Nine Pound Hammer, Southern Culture on the Skids, Demented Are Go, OS Cataleticos, Hank WilliamsBorder Hoppin Boys, Nekromantix,Chuck Berry, Patsy Cline, Wandy Jackson,Janis Martin Metal: TCR, S.O.D. Megadeth, Anthrax,Pantera, Coal Chamber, Devil Driver, Eerie Von, System Of a Down, RTAM,White Zombie, Motorhead, Queens Of The Stoneage, Sevendust,Type O Negative, White Zombie,Cradle Of Filth,Dope,AC/DC,My Ruin, Slayer,Black Sabbath,Iron Madien, Mystic Spiral, Danzig,Fath No More, Rock:Weezer,White StripesDavid BowieTed Nugent, S.R.V. Jimi Hendrex, Smashing Pumpkins, Tool, PerfectThe Beatles, Nirvana,The Brian Setzer OrchestraGreen DaySmashing Pumkins,Blue Oyster Cult, Who, Yard BirdsThe Donnas, Horrorpunk:,Gotham Road.Balzac, The Death Rays, Fink, The Graveyard Boulevard, Rock City Morgue, Shadow Reichenstine, The Vladimars, , Zombina and the Skeletones, Blitzkid, Surf:5,6,7,8's, Dick Dale, Red Elvises,Aloha Diablo Ska: The Specials, Maddness, Reel Big Fish,Living End, The Selecters, Bad Manners,Los Kung-Fu Monkeys, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Rap: Xzibit, ODB, Digitial Underground, Public Enemy, Blues: Ray Chariles, , Muddy Waters, Screamin Jay Hawkins, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Big Joe Turner
Favorite Movies: Bubba HoTep,Ghost World, Crybaby, Any Monty Python Movie, Any Charlie Chaplin Movie, Team America,Night Of the Living Dead 1 & 2, SLC Punk,Swingers, The Crow & The Crow:City Of Angels. Big Fish, AirHeads, Pulp Fiction,UHF,New Beginers, Any Tim Burtion Movie, Dracula, Any Doleamite Movie,Labyrinth, Carnival Of Souls, Glen Or Glenda, Plan 9 : Grave Robbers From Outerspace, Edwood, Rock N Roll High School, The Old Skool StarWars Movies, Indiana Jones Movies, Rocky Movies, Rambo 1,2,&3, Killer Klowns From OuterSpace "Very Funny", Six String Samurai, Made, Destroying America, Rock'n'roll Zombies (Very Funny), La Bamba, Ray, War of the Worlds, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill vol.1 ( Part 2 had too much talkin) More To Come.
Favorite Television: I don't watch much, but if I have to I would most likely "The Family Guy", "South Park", "Monty Python Flying Circus",Cornball B movies, Slient Films, Indie Movies or Live Concerts that r on t.v.,Attack of the show, Ninja Warrior,ATHF,The Shield.
Favorite Books: fsmismyhero Click here to go backYou may now view this profile. The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Gothabilly Steve's Contact Information
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About Me

Im' a 26 Year old Guitar Slinging,Gothabilly Howling, Lonely Wolf. That Goes by the the name Gothabilly Steve. I play Guitar and I sing. I love All kinds of music. I love old cars, I have a 1953 Chevy Belair and I will fix once I a become a big rock star(yeah right!!) or artist. I also love to do art Photography,paint,digital, Doesn't matter I most likely do it.. I like to meet cool people. I like to go to Punk, Rockabilly,Psychobilly,and Ska Shows Also I just love Car shows, And thing from the 1960's and down that's for me. Likes: Ps2,PLayin Music, Car shows, Smart people, People with a open mind, Dax Wax, Gretsch Giutars( I don't have one yet),Slient Files, Black and white Films, Ol Skool Rod and Cars, Haunted houses & places ( I feel at home at those places), South Park,ECT...

Dislikes:myself,AOL, Dumb People, Phoney People, Euro Trash Cars, Hate Groups, Onions (I only like them when there Fried), People being everyting but themSelves, MTV (The Channel Run My Satan), People that wear a KORN stuff & say that are goth, FOX News,People that talk smack and can't back it up, Our Goverment.

Quotes: "Better To Be hated for who you are then love for who you're not"- -Phlogiston Verdigris- "Artists are not Human, Infact I'm 98% PaperMushay" - Morrissey- "If Hell is paved with good entions, Than Heaven is Paved with Honest attempts" -Rogue of the Cruxshadows- "Out of all the things I miss the most, I miss my mind the most" -Ozzy Osbourne- "there are two types of people that will hate you in your life, The Stupid, The ones that are told to hate you with no just cause and they will hate you for about 5 years or until they meet you and get to know you. THen you got the Envoious people, The ones that will hate for no matter what because they wish they could be as good as you in what ever talent you have" John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester "I Lay in a Casket of my Own Design, I hope that you well Leave a flower behind" -Gothabilly Steve- .. Check out my Home gals shop lots of cool stuff there ;-) .. Insturments: Giutar,Piano, Bass, Drums, Harmonica, Synths, Voice, Programing.

Instruments I wanna play: Violin, Cello, Organ, Harpsichord,Vibraphone, Calvi.

Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion |||||||||| 40% Stability |||||||||| 36% Orderliness |||||||||||| 46% Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Interdependence |||||| 30% Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 76% Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Religious |||||||||||| 43% Hedonism |||||||||| 36% Materialism |||||| 23% Narcissism |||||| 23% Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 63% Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 63% Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56% Conflict seeking |||||| 30% Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56% Romantic |||||||||||||||| 70% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63% Wealth |||||| 23% Dependency |||||||||||||| 56% Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63% Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76% Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Sexuality |||| 16% Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56% Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76% Physical Fitness |||||||||| 37% Histrionic |||||||||||| 50% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 76% Vanity |||||||||||| 43% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||| 56% Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 70% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Testpersonality tests by

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Who I'd Like to Meet

Robert Smith, Bella Morte, Jessicka,Fallon Bowman, Talena Atfield, OZZY, Randy Rhodes, DimeBag,Elvis.P, The Monty Pythons, Morrissey,Mike Ness,Tina Root And Susan Wallace, Kiss, My Mind, Trent Reznor, Tori Amos, Amiee Echo, Dez Farafa, Miguel Rascon, Slipknot,The Cruxshdows, Balzac, Misfits,Danzig,Mistress Julyia, Zach De la Rocha,Tom Morleno,My Self, Andy Kaufman,The Beatles Brian Setzer, Slim Jim Phantom, Lee Rocker, Donna R. Rob Zombie, Lemmie, Henry Rollins, Amy "Ms.Metal Conrad, And Any one who is cool and true and you know who U R, Nobody Fake or phoney, because I don't need those people calling me friend. Also Don't get mad if I don't get to you right away, It might be a little late. Also if you wanna talk to me Drop me a line don't be shy, I know you wanna.

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Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 03:38

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters!
Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene.

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Wednesday June 18, 2008 03:03

Whats up Gothabilly STeve!

Thanks for joining! Check out one of our contests we have going on!

This artist Paul Bryan is a really nice guy and has donated a very cool SId Vicious original painting to the site for a giveaway! You could win this thing just for adding friends to your profile!

WIN a Paul Bryan Jr. Original Painting!
Go to or

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Thursday May 29, 2008 09:12

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!