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Touchdown Mary
Alternative / Oi / Punk

Worcester, Massachusetts
United States

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Band Bio

Touchdown Mary formed in 2007, and has been steadily playing basement shows in Massachusetts and Connecticut since then, as well as self-releasing the EP "Six Shots in the Dark" in 2008, which was followed by the full length album "Bohemia" and EP "Suicide Squad" in 2009. In 2010, Touchdown Mary Released the split EP "This is Dirt Dog Rock" with the Sunshine Soldiers, and their sophomore album "Los Olvidados". They are currently signed to Torture Show Records and are working on recording a new album.

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The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
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Comment 1-12 of 12 Friends Comments
Misfit Photos
Misfit Photos
Posted: Thursday July 29, 2010 03:05

I would love to take photos!! You guys ever come out to California?
That is where I live now :)

Missunders tood
Posted: Wednesday April 28, 2010 04:07

sweet tunes you guys keep it up :)

who_ate_da vid?
Posted: Monday January 11, 2010 07:08

great song, love the sound of it.

Posted: Monday January 11, 2010 01:29

of course I will xox

Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff
Posted: Saturday January 09, 2010 11:35

Hey there, just stopping through to say hello and give you the link to the book. It's finally done. Hope you still desire to read it. L8R bro_jeff

denoy perdana
denoy perdana
Posted: Tuesday January 05, 2010 07:53

your welcome guy's..

Posted: Monday December 28, 2009 03:36

Like it, but theres too much buzz if you ask me xD

Posted: Friday December 18, 2009 03:33

Hey guys,you have a unique sound!Great music!

Hasta la Vista Social Club
Hasta la Vista Social Club
Posted: Thursday December 17, 2009 02:15

...Taking a shower....not as hower,heh...

Hasta la Vista Social Club
Hasta la Vista Social Club
Posted: Thursday December 17, 2009 02:14

Thanks a lot! I will listen your music tomorrow for sure! Now it`s fuckin` late here in Finland,so I am taking as hower and going to sleep. Which group he played in ? I had psychobilly band called Toxocaras before,kind of hc psycho,hardhittinghorror shit.We did one album to German Crazy Love Records,but then we broked up,because our bassplayer left the band.Then I was in army at year 2000 and there I decided to put up a new band.After army,couple years went by,but then at 2003 I got Hasta la Vista Social Club started with my brother and two old friends.We have done three albums and this latest one "Lake Lark White Trash" was released also in States by Motherbox Records.So hoping to make a tour there at some point!

davey chaos
davey chaos
Posted: Sunday December 13, 2009 04:17

thanx for the comment and great music guys

Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff
Posted: Thursday November 19, 2009 05:30

Thanks, I'll keep you up to date. I'm in the final stages of publishing now. Should be good to go by end of year. bro_jeff