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Cherry Dee's Comments, View Profile
From BAND:
The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Tuesday February 17, 2009 09:38

Yo duuude, your down with the black market yeahh?
pretty sure ive seen you somewhere before.
either way, whats the latest??

From BAND:
Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 03:36

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters!
Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene.

From USER:
Posted: Saturday November 01, 2008 11:39


Look at this! Demo "Rehearsals At The Gravity"

The new site promo O_o

long live rock&Roll!


From BAND:
Posted: Friday July 18, 2008 11:52

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Thanx for the support, hopefully we'll see you in Australia sometime in the future

From BAND:
Posted: Monday July 07, 2008 07:34

Thanks for your support

From BAND:
Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Tuesday May 13, 2008 08:49

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Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!


From USER:
Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Sunday May 11, 2008 05:02

Whats up Cherry Dee!

Here some footage of the Basic Bowl event we co-sponsored.

The John played live!

Thanks for spreading the word about