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Band Account Questons
How do I get my band in the "This Weeks Featured Bands" section on the home page?
For your band to be eligible to be in the "Featured Artist" section on the front page, please have the following:
- Have at least on song availble for download on your band profile
- Have at least one picture on your band profile
- Have a bio on your band profile
- Have named your MohawkRadio.com band url (www.mohawkradio.com/bandname).
- Have a MohawkRadio.com banner or link on your bands website or myspace page
Email richz@mohawkradio.com when your band profile has been updated and MohawkRadio.com banner or link are in place.
Bands are randomly selected.
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If you need further support, please email us at help@mohawkradio.com with your question.