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Paul Bryan Jr
Punk / Rock / Lounge / Folk and Traditional

Newport Beach, California
United States

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For information on purchasing a Paul Bryan Jr original or anything Paul Bryan, please go to

Very interesting facts about Paul:

July 22, 1944, Born Paul G. Bryan at 5:19 a.m.

July 04, 1955, Toured Disneyland with Walt Disney himself.

Spring 1963, Demolished Posrche Carrera at 140 MPH.

Winter 1964, Saved a girl on a runaway horse, Apple Valley, California.

August 1965, Dated Playboy Bunny, Hollywood, California.

Spring 1969, Joined cave dwelling gypsies, Granada, Spain.

Fall 1969, Sailed through the Bermuda Triangle, Caribbean Sea.

Spring 1971, Determined to become the greatest artist that ever lived.

Fall 1971, Firt one-man show, Maui, Hawaii.

Spring 1972, Bullfight, Canary Islands, Africa.

Spring 1973, Artwork Exhibited at the museum of Art, Laguna Beach, California.

Spring 1978, Sang lead vocals with punk rock band.

Summer 1978, Bob Dylan accepts portrait at the Onion Dome, Malibu, California.

Summer 1982, Artwork exhibited at Vancouver, B.C., and Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Summer 1982, Peter Fonda accepts painting or American Chopper from Easy Rider.

Summer 1983 Wrote autobiography.

Summer 1984 Skateboarded down Nob Hill, San Francisco, California.

Summer 1987, Gave two huge color portraits to Madonna, Burbank, California.

Summer 1991, son Bill Bryan wins the Skimboarding World Championship.

Spring 1998, Richard Nixon Library and birthplace accepts my painting.

Spring 2000, Begins to gallery artwork in Pier Records, Newport Beach, California.

Spring 2000, White House accepts portrait of Bill Clinton.

Fall 2003, White House accepts portrait of George W. Bush and his father.

Spring 2004, Office of the Governor accepts portrait of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Spring 2005, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library adds protrait to their collection.

Summer 2005, The Vatican accepts portrait of Pope Benedict XVl.

"In 35 years as an artist, Paul Bryan claims to have done nearly 15,000 paintings – 517 and counting since St. Patrick's Day alone – which he's sold and given away as gifts.

Over the years, Bryan has sent paintings to musicians, celebrities and politicians.

Bryan said his hyper-realistic art was inspired by the simplicity of Oriental art paired with his love of Western pop-culture. His gallery ranges from paintings of celebrities in their youth to playing cards, but most are two-tone portraits, all punctuated by his signature red dot.

"I think this kind of art appeals to a whole lot of people, more so than a picture of a ship or something," said Pete Nichols, 66, who was visiting from Camarillo and left with a painting of Jimi Hendrix.

Bryan refers to the dot as a rounded square and said he loves to incorporate it into the paintings in different ways, for example as the lit end of a cigarette. He said he didn't want to use his initials on the art because he wanted his paintings to speak the same language and the dot is universal."

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Posted: Saturday November 01, 2008 04:36


Look at this! Demo "Rehearsals At The Gravity"

The new site promo O_o

long live rock&Roll!


The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
Posted: Tuesday September 16, 2008 12:15

Thanks for the add! Now is available new remix of "Bathroom Girl" (demo versión, rehearsal at the gravity) If you want could download and hear, I hope that you like it.

Posted: Saturday June 21, 2008 03:15

Nice Devo picture, captain! HAIL SATAN!

Chachi On Acid
Chachi On Acid
Posted: Monday June 16, 2008 07:27

ixkilledxb arbiex
Posted: Friday June 13, 2008 07:42

thanks for the add =)

Posted: Wednesday June 04, 2008 02:44


Krista K
Krista K
Posted: Tuesday May 27, 2008 09:16

Cool Artwork!

Posted: Friday May 16, 2008 10:17


Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Monday May 05, 2008 02:56

In case you missed the BBQ the other weekend, here is The Johns!!!

Hope to see you at the next one!

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Wednesday April 30, 2008 01:47

sweet, thanx and keep shreddin'

Did you check out the brand new jam called "Just Another Enemy" on our site now?