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Guilty Fingers
Punk / Hardcore / Thrash / Blues

Hollywood, Florida
United States

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Legends: DRI, Black Flag, S.O.D., Eyehategod, Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, Bad Brains. Local miami bands: Hellhounds, collapse, F.T.N., O.P.S, Panix, eztorbo social, S.O.B.
Song Downloads
Click Track Title Below To DownloadDownloaded
Caffeine Intoxication280
Guilty Fingers396
Snap/I'd Rather Be Sleeping (DRI covers)225
Urinal Shy298

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Band Bio

Punk from Hollywood, FL.

Some people think we are a joke band because we have songs about socially awkward situations. Sorry to disappoint, but we're dead serious. Yes, we have a sense of humor, but our songs are not meant merely to offend, nor are they for the sake of making you uncomfortable. We deal with real shit, and you do too. You think about it, you talk about it amongst friends, but then you want songs to be about politics or scene cliches. Nope, we write songs about not being able to use public restrooms, feeling terrible after masturbating, and other stuff that mainly applies to our drummer, Noah.

Be sure to grab our newest album, the 'Guilty EP' for free @ The subject matter includes such jolly concepts as jealousy and greed, alienation, disgust, promiscuous sex, destitution, homosexuality, sexual deviancy, nostalgia, anxiety - none of which is to be found funny. We realize that it might sound like we are self-loathing, but if you dig deeper into the lyrics you'll see it's quite the opposite. Unfortunately, our lyrics are, for the most part, unintelligible. drop us a line

Upcoming Shows
We have no shows we want to list at this time.
Band Merchandise
We are not ready to show you what we are selling....yet!
There are 11 friends in My Mosh Pit.
Common Enemy
Common Enemy
disOrderly Punk
Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff
Just Effin' Eric
Just Effin
The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
The P.I.N.s
The P.I.N.s
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View All Friends Comments
Comment 1-6 of 6 Friends Comments

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Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff
Posted: Saturday January 09, 2010 11:43

Hey there, It's been almost a year but the book is finally done. Below is a link to go check it out. Hope you still desire to get one it'll change your life. bro_jeff

The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Monday February 16, 2009 09:48

Hey dude, We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers,

disOrderly Punk
Posted: Thursday February 12, 2009 11:02

Hey hey! No problem at all man. My eras like what they hear :D

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 04:12

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!


Just Effin' Eric
Just Effin
Posted: Sunday February 08, 2009 08:27

cheers for the add!